abide the law, please!
my day was nearly spoilt but a man!
i believe all lifts in Singapore would have the 'NO SMOKING' sign...
and why is this sign up?
cos the lift is a very confine place with poor ventilation...
Idiotically, some people don't know how to read the sign!!!
the lift i went inis filled with 3 men...
with 1 of them holding on to a lit cigeratte...
he's not puffing away...
but it's LIT!!!!
the whole lift was reek of the smell...
i nearly couldn't survive out of the lift...
nearly died in there...
and cos i have the history of childhood asthma,
there's a possibility that it'll act up again...
when i came out of the lift,
i did a fake cough
showing my displeasure...
just wanna say smth, if you want to die early go somewhere else...
stop harming those innocent ones...
do you how many people are dying from lung cancer every day?
and many of them are actually passive smokers...
they did not smoke, but they unintentionally inhaled from the smokers...
it's so unfair!
the ones who took drugs don't get to die so fast
but those who are trying to maintain a healthy body died instead!