met the last teacher on the list for the first time.
she had leave me a very bad impression.
cos she said this :"my lesson starts at 9am sharp."
but, she's contradicting herself.
she came in to class at 9.02am...
not that i'm fussy...
but one should at least think of their actions before making any statement.
next would be on our calculators.
she want us to bring our calculator manual.
i would like to ask her:
Who, would be in the right mind to keep the manual for 5 years?
also, it's not written in the manual that it'd be in use in poly...
another thing,
she want us to figure out ourselves how to get the shortcut to our ans.
i rmbr our lecturer said that tutors are supposed to teach us the shortcut.
if tutor didn't teach us, we can complain to our lecturer...
i would like to tell that tutor:
if i know how to use that shortcut,
i would be sitting here attending lessons...
i'd be teaching by now!
sometimes people just don't use their brain to think.
pardon me.