school starts
First day of school after the semestral break...
seen and met up with some of the teachers...
of which, one of them seem to be rather hard to 'handle'...
mm... and it's my micro tutor.. *faint*
started micro lecturer this afternoon...
it's a small lecture room...
i miss the previous big room...
even if you speak the lecturer won't hear you...
we were literally sleeping throughout the lecture... haha...
and the projecter was not focused
causing us to have double vision...
i've even doubt myself on my astimatism... thought it has worsen...
and the last lesson was about writing skills...
oh boy! i think my class gonna have a communication gap with the tutor...
her instructions were not clear...
causing confusion here and there...
she can give an order at this time
but changes again after we were half-way through... gosh..
till now, we are still not sure if the article she wanted must be within 100 words or 200-300...
also, the deadline to hand in...
AND whether we should e-mail her the article...
she wanted us to do something which we find so hilarious...
she wanted us to do a self-intro in 250-300 words...
gosh... it's like wanting our lives...
it's been almost half a year since i last written any essays...
but still managed to complete it and mail to her...
this tutor seems so weird...
keep asking us to mail her our work... mm...
gotta sleep now! another day's waiting ahead for me!