why bother?
why bother to come online
purposely to blog?
when i can sleep soundly on my cosy bed
because i care
i'm rather disturbed by certain things
i'm a typical type 'O' Aries
which gives me the traits
of ideas and leadership
but that doesn't mean
everything should fall on the last person!
plans were made
mouths are shut
is it gonna buried with the dead
if no one's gonna unearth it?
not the first time
tombs were raided some time ago
but they are buried once more
back to the original place
who's gonna unearth the treasure
no one.
'cos, no one actually bother.
planner ran away with blueprint
together with the mouth
partners left strangled by the time
no news from the planner
gone forever.
is this the ending?
definitely not,
for there're more ahead.
one thing for sure,
trustworthiness is violated
responsibility is also fading
who is the tomb raider this time?
could it be me?
why bother?