take note people...
debarment is this week...
so pls rmbr to submit all your relevent MCs to your PEMs...
everytime just before the semestral exams,
there will always be students who are worried to get debar
now will be my question:
why get worried of debarrment when in the first place, you can choose to attend the lessons?
isn't it contradicting?
first, you chose not to go for lessons,
and now, you start to worry on which modules you will get debarred...
sometimes people just don't get
it's not because you're sick or something cropped up...
it's just an attitude...
and the responsibility that you have to manage yourself...
if you are a full-time student,
do your job... it's your job to study...
if not, what are you going to do? roam around?
like a wandering ghost?
just think about it....
i'm not trying to say who's right who's wrong here...
it's that there're some attitudes that i personally find it rot...