very tired... but happy!
i'm very tired today... don't know why...
yet, very happy!
cos i was praised by a customer this evening... hee...
he said:"You're very polite! Keep it up!"
and he repeated himself cos i couldn't hear what he's saying...
wow! at that moment, i was so happy..
but hours later, an uncle said:"do things faster lah... people want to go home earlier."
this drenched my whole body...
those who know me will know that
i won't tolrate this kind of rude behaviour
moreover, he said it very loudly from where he Q...
(he's quite far from the counter)
i did smth which others may find it rude...
when the uncle approached that counter,
i said very loudly to my partner :"Hey, we need to be faster hor... later people complain..."
and my tone was very sarcastic...
a customer in front of uncle laughed...
and i said :"you heard him just now, so we must do things fast..."
i mean it's like, who don't want to do things fast
do you know that we are very stressed up when we see long Q???
if you're so great, why not we switch places?
let me be the customer and you the cashier...
let's see who do a better job...
i don't think you can rmbr the exact amount of 3 different bills
what about the barcodes and items and sale?
if we are very fast, and got the wrong change,
you will be the one who will come chasing us saying
so things so fast and got things wrong
when we are cautious and prudent,
you want us to speed up...
why are you trapping yourself in a dilemma???